Hotting Up? An Analysis of Low Carbon Plans and Strategies for UK Cities

Yesterday, RICS launched “Hotting Up? An Analysis of Low Carbon Plans and Strategies for UK Cities”, a comprehensive snapshot of carbon emissions strategies in UK cities. Drawn together by Professor Tim Dixon, leader of the Technology Foresight work package, the report examines how 60 UK cities have acted in response to climate change and how successful they have been in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.

Stoke, Coventry and Wolverhampton emerged as the cities making the greatest impact on their emissions, while the poorest performing cities included Belfast, Greater London and Edinburgh. As well as providing an overview of how UK cities are performing, the report explores why some cities are achieving greater emissions reductions than others and what major barriers are standing between cities and their national reduction targets of 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels. Furthermore, it puts forward a list of recommendations for central and local government based on research into best practice.

For more information, or to read the report, please go to

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